Legislation Prioritizing Victim Restitution Payments Approved by House


A bill to encourage the prioritization of victim restitution fees has been unanimously approved by the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

Rep. Tammy West, R-Oklahoma City, carried House Bill 1462 to ensure victims of crimes receive their owed compensation before administrative fees are paid. The measure would direct courts to prioritize the payment of restitution before administrative fees when an individual owes both after being convicted of a crime and serving time. While judges may currently order the prioritization of restitution, Oklahoma's statutes do not explicitly require them to.

"Surviving a crime can be deeply traumatic for the victim, as is reliving that time throughout the legal process and trial," West said. "House Bill 1462 makes it clear that our first priority is supporting the victims, not the courts. This bill ensures that victims are rightfully compensated in a timely manner before administrative costs are covered."

HB1462 also directs Court Clerks to confirm with the District Attorney that restitution has been paid when allocating payments toward fees.

The bill passed the House 89-0 and now proceeds to the Senate for consideration.