House Releases Updated Budget Transparency Portal

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma House of Representatives released today updated budget numbers in its online transparency portal, detailing the House position on how the FY26 budget should be crafted.

The portal, known as Budget HQ, was created in 2024 in an effort to bring transparency to the state budgeting process both for the full House membership and the public.

The numbers are a starting point for negotiations with the Senate and Governor over the FY26 budget.

"We have been working closely with the Senate and the Governor to determine where we can find areas of agreement, and potential areas of disagreement, and the numbers released today are a result of that hard work," said House Appropriations Chairman Trey Caldwell, R-Faxon. "We are proud to have these numbers out so early in session, and hope to continue close negotiations with the Senate to reach a budget deal that is good for the State of Oklahoma."

Knowing the Board of Equalization certified in February the state will have less revenue for FY26 than last year, there are tough decisions that have to be made to ensure the state's obligations are met and efficiencies are found where possible. Recent years of fiscal prudency and strategic investment have left the state in a solid cash position, giving Legislators the ability to continue to invest in needed programs while asking specific agencies to find a way to make strategic cuts.

"Our one constitutional obligation as a Legislature is to pass a balanced budget, and the budget details release today shows we are well on our way to getting an FY26 budget secured," said House Speaker Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow. "In this budget you see strategic investment, targeted cuts and a focus on moving the state of Oklahoma forward with long-term stability. This is a starting point. The final product will happen through negotiation, but I feel good about us being this far along this early in session."

Budget negotiations will continue, and a budget must be approved prior to sine die adjournment May 30.