Oversight Committee Chair
Conference Committee on Health and Human Services Oversight, Chair
Health and Human Services Oversight, Chair
A&B Natural Resources, Vice Chair
Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding - Health and Human Services Working GroupAppropriations and Budget
A&B Public Safety
Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget
Public Health
District Information
District 58
County(s) Represented in District
Alfalfa, Garfield, Major, Woods, Woodward
Municipality(s) Represented in District
Aline, Alva, Ames, Amorita, Avard, Burlington, Byron, Capron, Carmen, Carrier, Cherokee, Chester, Cleo Springs, Dacoma, Drummond, Enid, Fairview, Freedom, Goltry, Helena, Hillsdale, Hopeton, Isabella, Jet, Lahoma, Lambert, Meno, Mooreland, Nescatunga, Quinlan, Ringwood, Waynoka, Woodward
Zipcode(s) Represented in District
73663, 73703, 73716, 73717, 73718, 73719, 73722, 73726, 73727, 73728, 73729, 73731, 73735, 73737, 73739, 73741, 73743, 73746, 73747, 73749, 73753, 73754, 73755, 73758, 73760, 73761, 73763, 73768, 73801, 73838, 73842, 73852, 73853, 73860
Year Elected
Year: 2016
Term Limited
Year: 2028
Dr. Carl Newton is an optometrist who has served patients for many years in the area surrounding his hometown of Cherokee. He recently sold his eye clinic. He also owns a family farm.
Dr. Newton is a fiscal conservative who believes in keeping government and regulation of private citizens and businesses small. He is a proponent of adequately supporting core public services such as education, transportation, health care, mental health care, public safety, agriculture, wildlife and others.
Dr. Newton was born in Waynoka, Oklahoma. He is married to Jacque, and the two have three children. He holds a Bachelors’ degree from Oklahoma State University and received his Doctor of Optometry degree from Northeastern State University.
House of Representatives, 56th Legislature to present