Friday, March 14, 2025 12:31:55 AM

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3/11/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Olsen of the House and Bullard of the Senate.[Elections; registration card; photo identification; effective date.]

HB10083/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Olsen of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Abortion; prohibition of abortion; definitions; prescribing standard based upon preservation of the life of a pregnant woman; emergency.

HB10753/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hildebrant of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Schools; creating the Protect Our Kids Act; teacher dismissal, administrators; recommendations forwarded to Board of Education regardless of teacher resignation status; expungement; supplementary information; effective date; emergency.

HB10823/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Tedford of the House and Prieto of the Senate.Marriage and family; child custody agreements; terminating agreements; effective date.

3/17/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hildebrant of the House and Gillespie of the Senate.Firearms; creating the Municipal Carry Act; authorizing municipalities to allow elected officials and designated employees to carry firearms under certain circumstances; effective date.

HB11033/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Gann of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Department of Transportation; modifying conditions for disposal of surplus property; effective date.

HB11043/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Kelley of the House and Stewart of the Senate.Counties and county officers; lodging taxes levied by counties; permitting three percent lodging tax; requiring to proceeds to promote tourism; effective date.

HB11113/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Pogemiller of the House and Coleman of the Senate.[Poor persons; Department of Human Services; requirements; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits; increase; deduction; eligibility; households; amounts; term; restriction; codification; effective date.]

HB11203/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Lepak of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Elections; prohibiting implementation; federal election guidance; legislative approval; notice; State Election Board; effective date.

HB11223/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Bashore of the House and Weaver of the Senate.Amusements and sports; State Athletic Commission Act; terms; jurisdiction; licensing; events; penalties; exceptions; testing; effective date.

HB11243/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Bashore of the House and Hall of the Senate.Broadband; modifying make-up of fund; effective date.

3/17/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Grego of the House and Pederson of the Senate.Public health and safety; misbranding of food; falsely advertised; State Department of Health to investigate; penalties; effective date.

HB11383/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Ford of the House and Frix of the Senate.Law enforcement; modifying duties of the Human Capital Management Division and the Civil Service Division of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services; effective date.

HB11393/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy CrosswhiteHader of the House and Sacchieri of the Senate.Firearms; authorizing the transport and storage of firearms and weapons on school property under certain circumstances; effective date.

HB11573/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Cornwell of the House and Green of the Senate.Liquified petroleum gas; removing certain appointed position; modifying statutory references; effective date.

HB11663/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Kelley of the House and Howard of the Senate.Cities and towns; annexation; procedures; annexation of territory without consent of majority of owners; effective date.

HB11683/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy CrosswhiteHader of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Abortion-inducing drugs; terms; trafficking; felony; exceptions; effective date.

HB11773/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Stark of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Property; Prohibition of Unfair Service Agreements Act; recording; notice; residential real estate owners; title companies; void if recorded; effective date.

HB11783/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Stark of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Service animals; making certain acts unlawful; penalties; effective date.

HB11853/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy West (Rick) of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Firearms; prohibiting the destruction of historic military weapons; effective date.

HB11873/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy West (Rick) of the House and Burns of the Senate.Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Act; opt-out option; removing group insurance; effective date.

HB11903/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy West (Rick) of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Law enforcement education and training; modifying certain background investigation requirement; effective date.

HB11973/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Maynard of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Public finance; State Treasurer; transaction cards; fee structure; bullion; effective date.

HB11993/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Maynard of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Legal tender; gold and silver; specie; tax; regulation; contract; attorney general; Oklahoma court; debts; effective date.

HB12033/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Maynard of the House and Frix of the Senate.Public finance; Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Act; definitions; investments; State Treasurer; taxes and fees; state retirement funds; effective date.

HB12173/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy West (Kevin) of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Obscene material; making certain acts unlawful; codification; emergency.

HB12183/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy West (Kevin) of the House and Frix of the Senate.Discrimination; anti-Semitism; certain definition; purposes; construing provisions; effective date; emergency.

3/4/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy West (Kevin) of the House and Frix of the Senate.Public finance; creating the State Accounts for Federal Expenditures Act (SAFE Act); creating State Accounts; approval; hearings; agency requirements; effective date; emergency.

HB12233/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy West (Kevin) of the House and Frix of the Senate.Daylight saving time; mandating year-round standard time; effective date.

HB12243/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy West (Kevin) of the House and Rosino of the Senate.Health care; defining terms; granting certain protections to health care institutions and health care payors; civil actions; discrimination; protections; effective date.

HB12733/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Hasenbeck of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Domestic violence; providing for alternative batterers' intervention programs; effective date.

HB12753/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Caldwell (Chad) of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Social media; social network; parents and guardians; permission; verification; effective date; emergency.

3/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Hasenbeck of the House and Murdock of the Senate.Child pornography; changing name of certain defined term; repealers; effective date.

HB13643/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Hasenbeck of the House and Alvord of the Senate.Crimes and punishments; sexual obscenity; making certain acts unlawful; effective date.

HB13673/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Hays of the House and Howard of the Senate.Alcohol licensure; protections for certain establishment licensed by ABLE; affidavits; proof of violations; policies; recordkeeping; effective date.

HB13743/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Boles of the House and Green of the Senate.Utilities; public utility defined; modifying certain exception to definition; allowing certain entities to receive electricity; refusal; rights; natural gas; effective date; emergency.

HB13803/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy Dempsey of the House and Frix of the Senate.[State Department of Health; Insulin Access and Affordability Program; effective date; emergency.]

HB13883/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hasenbeck of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Schools; enacting the Protecting Oklahoma's Children on Social Media Act of 2025; imposing duties on the State Department of Education; programs; policies; enforcement by Attorney General; effective date; emergency.

HB13923/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Provenzano of the House and Pederson of the Senate.Counties and county officers; county treasurer fee; effective date.

HB13933/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Kerbs of the House and Daniels of the Senate.Special education; individual education program; parental consent; effective date; emergency.

HB13963/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Provenzano of the House and Mann of the Senate.Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; prohibiting private schools from requiring parent to participate; effective date; emergency.

3/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy West (Josh) of the House and Hamilton of the Senate.Counties and county officers; qualifications for county sheriff; military police service; effective date.

HB14273/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Wilk of the House and Rader of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; clean burning motor vehicle fuels; insurance premium tax credits; effective date; emergency.]

3/11/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Johns of the House and Jech of the Senate.Memorial roads and bridges; designating various memorial roads and bridges; effective date.

HB14873/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Johns of the House and Frix of the Senate.Special license plates; creating various special license plates; effective date.

3/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Johns of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Education; meetings of the State Board of Education; authorizing members to add items to agendas; procedure for adding; effective date.

HB14973/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Tedford of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Insurance; registration of insurers; report; Liquidity Stress Test; confidential documents; information; trade secrets; effective date.

HB14983/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Chapman of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Insurance; prepaid funeral services; permit; application; Insurance Commissioner; violations; penalties; examination; repealer; effective date.

HB15013/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Chapman of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Insurance; limiting certain compensation; prohibiting public adjusters from certain awards; effective date.

2/26/2025 12:16:00 PM2/25/2025 12:16:00 PMBy Banning of the House and Guthrie of the Senate.Insurance; minors; contract for insurance; parental or guardian consent; effective date.

3/13/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Lepak of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; rates; brackets; revenue determinations; effective date.]

HB15413/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Patzkowsky of the House and Frix of the Senate.Agriculture Linked Deposits Program; definitions; procedures; deposit amounts; effective date; emergency.

HB15493/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Lepak of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Public finance; private activity bond allocation; definitions; pools; application; effective date.

HB15613/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Duel of the House and Hines of the Senate.Public finance; Foreign Adversary Divestment Act of 2025; findings; definitions; investments; reporting; pension systems; liability; immunity; effective date.

HB15623/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Duel of the House and Howard of the Senate.Courts; business court division; business court judges; effective date.

HB15633/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Duel of the House and Howard of the Senate.Criminal procedure; specifying requirements for issuing criminal subpoenas for law enforcement records; codification; effective date.

HB15643/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Duel of the House and Howard of the Senate.Civil procedure; creating the Expedited Actions Act; expedited actions; trial process; effective date.

HB15753/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Lawson of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Social services; Streamlined Services Act; Department of Human Services; coordinate; feasibility study; integrated access system; effective date; emergency.

HB15773/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy Lawson of the House and Daniels of the Senate.State Medicaid program; medically necessary; donor human milk-derived products; reimbursement; promulgation of rules; policy or procedure; Oklahoma Health Care Authority; federal approval; effective date.

HB15853/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Lay of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Pharmacy technicians; training guidelines; training skills; on-the-job training; effective date.

3/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Gise of the House and Hines of the Senate.Health care; Lori Brand Patient Bill of Rights Act of 2025; rights of patient; responsibilities of patients; rights of minors; responsibilities of parents; effective date.

HB16013/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Gise of the House and Frix of the Senate.Schools; creating the Advancing Rights for Caregiving, Health, and Extended Recovery (Maternity Leave Protection for Teachers) Act; effective date.

HB16033/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Gise of the House and Gillespie of the Senate.[Schools; requiring age-appropriate human growth and development curriculum to be taught in public schools; guidelines and resources; effective date.]

HB16283/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Sneed of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Professions and occupations; residential roofer endorsement; roofing contractor registration; registration fees; effective date.

HB16303/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Sneed of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Medical facilities; definitions; licensing; penalties; exceptions; application requirements; fees; revolving fund; facility standards; effective date.

HB16463/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Sneed of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Professions and occupations; real estate appraisers; educational requirements as specified by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of the Appraisal Foundation; effective date.

HB16643/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Cantrell of the House and Alvord of the Senate.County commissioners; meetings; exemptions; Open Meeting Act; limits to exemption; conferences, trainings, and events; legislative meetings; budgetary matters; Statewide Independent Living Council; videoconferencing; executive session; emergency.

HB16653/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Cantrell of the House and Alvord of the Senate.Counties and county officers; basic salaries; maximum; county officers; effective date.

HB16673/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Cantrell of the House and Stanley of the Senate.Children; grace period; child care professional; compliance; review period; definitions; effective date.

HB16833/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Roe of the House and Dossett of the Senate.Health benefit plans; terms; reimbursement; prescription; provisions; effective date.

HB16873/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Roe of the House and Rosino of the Senate.Advance health care directives; Uniform Health Care Decisions Act of 2025; definitions; capacity; presumption of capacity; overcoming presumption; notice; judicial review; power of attorney; advance mental health care directive; conflicting health care directives; default surrogate; disqualification; revocation; validity; conflict of law; duties; powers; coagents; responsibilities; immunity; conduct; damages; judicial relief; effective date.

HB17093/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Bennett of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Debtors and creditors; consumer reports; Oklahoma medical facility debt; prohibition; effective date.

HB17373/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Moore of the House and Grellner of the Senate.[Corporation Commission; creating the Natural Gas Utility Infrastructure Cost Recovery Act of 2025; defining terms; effective date.]

HB17433/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Harris of the House and Howard of the Senate.Probate procedure; petitions for summary administration; changing time requirement for filing combined notices; emergency.

3/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy Kerbs of the House and Hall of the Senate.Motor vehicles; Service Oklahoma; various changes; licenses; identification cards; effective date; emergency.

HB17533/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Kerbs of the House and Frix of the Senate.Motor vehicles; rulemaking authority; Corporation Commission duties; fees and charges; rates; storage; data; effective date.

3/17/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Kerbs of the House and Pugh of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act; tax credit; foundations; cap; contribution; eligibility; rules; effective date; emergency.]

HB17643/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Kerbs of the House and Hamilton of the Senate.Public lands; unauthorized camp; county and municipal lands; effective date.

HB17673/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Kerbs of the House and Frix of the Senate.Counties and county officers; county clerks; credit card; forms; notary; effective date.

HB17893/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Kerbs of the House and Frix of the Senate.Motor vehicles; dealer sales responsibility; modifying requirements for certain off-premises sales; events; effective date.

HB18083/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Newton of the House and Rader of the Senate.Health insurance; creating the Ensuring Transparency in Prescription Drugs Prior Authorization Act; determination; consultation; prior authorization; effective date.

HB18103/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Newton of the House and Gillespie of the Senate.Prior authorization; definitions; authorization requests; requirements; standard for requirements; effective date.

HB18133/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy Newton of the House and Jech of the Senate.Waters and water rights; authorizing the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to enter into memorandums of understanding or contracts with certain entities; effective date.

HB18163/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Newton of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Medicaid; out-of-state medical providers; term; effective date.

HB18193/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Worthen of the House and Jech of the Senate.Professions and occupations; optometry licenses; annual fees; effective date.

HB18223/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Wilk of the House and Murdock of the Senate.Transportation; defining term; requiring Oklahoma Department of Transportation establish and implement certain program; effective date.

HB18323/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Hefner of the House and Alvord of the Senate.Intermediate care facilities; electronic monitoring; long-term care facilities; term; intermediate care facilities; effective date.

HB18333/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Hefner of the House and Kirt of the Senate.Labor; creating the Rethinking Paying Subminimal Wage to Persons with Disabilities Task Force; purpose; membership; reporting; effective date.

HB18363/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hefner of the House and Dossett of the Senate.State government; State Use Advisory Council; terms; effective date.

HB18373/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Hefner of the House and Frix of the Senate.Poor persons; Achieving a Better Life Experience Program account; exemption; effective date.

3/17/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Schreiber of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Building codes; Department of Human Services; State Fire Marshal; guidelines; child care homes; license; codification; effective date.

HB18493/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Schreiber of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.[Children; sunset; Teacher Recruitment and Retention Program; Partnership for School Readiness; childcare facilities employee; income exemption; notice to the Department of Human Services; conditions; codification; effective date.]

3/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Schreiber of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Contracts; Oklahoma Fair Renewal Act; automatic renewal contracts; notice; cancellation; effective date.

HB18533/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Schreiber of the House and Frix of the Senate.Medical expenses; terms; out-of-pocket; insurance providers; deductibles; coinsurance; copayments; documentation requirements; effective date.

HB18863/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy May of the House and Gillespie of the Senate.Human trafficking; creating the Oklahoma Human Trafficking Justice for Victims and Advocacy Act of 2025; increasing penalties for certain unlawful act; codification; effective date.

HB19343/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Sterling of the House and Weaver of the Senate.Motor vehicles; creating the Jamie Lea Pearl Act; requiring medical needs motor carriers to have certain tax exempt status; effective date.

HB19383/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Sterling of the House and Rader of the Senate.Schools; directing school districts to conduct an annual fitness assessment; emergency.

HB19393/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Sterling of the House and Standridge of the Senate.Turnpike Authority; powers and duties; locations of construction and operation of certain turnpikes; report; removing certain requirements; rules; adhering to laws; meetings; compliance; notice; validity of bonds; effective date.

HB19553/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Waldron of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Education; Education Leadership Oklahoma program; clarifying award coverage; increasing maximum amount; repayment; reimbursement; effective date.

HB19583/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Staires of the House and Sacchieri of the Senate.Schools; meetings of district boards of education; allowing board to submit an affidavit in lieu of meeting minutes in certain circumstances; effective date.

HB19653/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Williams of the House and Bullard of the Senate.Children; Children's Code; term; procedure if jury trial is waived; individualized service plan; termination of parental rights; district attorney; exceptions; informal adjustments; Office of Juvenile Affairs; effective date.

3/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Pae of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Public health and safety; harm-reduction services; deleting sunset date; effective date.

HB20133/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Pae of the House and Stanley of the Senate.Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP); Dylan's Law; insurance coverage; refusal of coverage; seizure protection; Service Oklahoma; driver license; unique symbol; voluntary; State Commissioner of Health; power and duty; Division of Health Care Information; appointment and qualifications of examiner; Chief Medical Examiner; person to perform autopsy; investigation; death certificates; reporting; effective date.

HB20303/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Archer of the House and Thompson of the Senate.[Children; foster care maintenance payment amounts; Director; Department of Human Services; codification; effective date.]

HB20333/13/20253/11/2025By Blair of the House and Frix of the Senate.Public health and safety; creating the Community Health Center Access to Care Revolving Rund; State Department of Health; appropriated funds; limits; effective date; emergency.

HB20363/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Archer of the House and Murdock of the Senate.Eminent domain; reimbursement of expenses; right-of-way for oil and gas pipelines; eminent domain jury trials, notices and costs; effective date.

HB20473/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Stinson of the House and Hines of the Senate.Schools; creating the Emerson Kate Cole Act; school medication policies; Epinephrine administration; parent notification; allergic reactions; model policies; annual training; effective date; emergency.

3/17/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Stinson of the House and Howard of the Senate.Prescriptions; 340B Nondiscrimination Act; definitions; discriminatory actions; reimbursement; manufacturer; distributor; enforcement; Attorney General; Insurance Commissioner; violations; federal preemption; effective date.

HB20493/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Stinson of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Medicaid parity; coverage; mental health and substance use disorders; contract compliance; noncompliance reviews; Oklahoma Health Care Authority; complaints; publication of reports; effective date.

HB20683/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Jenkins of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Crimes and punishments; repealer; effective date.

HB20723/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Jenkins of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Banks and trust companies; repeal; Task Force for the Study of State Banking Services; effective date.

HB20733/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Jenkins of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Utilities; repealing section; effective date.

HB20803/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Blair of the House and Wingard of the Senate.Banks and trust companies; share or deposit accounts; payable on death; effective date.

HB20813/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Blair of the House and Weaver of the Senate.Child abduction prevention; Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act; terms; order or petition; warrant; jurisdiction; requirements; factors; risk; evidence; conditions; custody or visitation; remedies; hearing; search; service; law enforcement; costs and fees; duration; federal acts; codification; effective date.

HB20823/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Blair of the House and Alvord of the Senate.Transportation; repealer; effective date; emergency.

HB20843/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Blair of the House and Daniels of the Senate.Professions and occupations; continuing education; license renewal; effective date.

HB20853/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Blair of the House and Weaver of the Senate.Professions and occupations; Uniform Building Code Commission; members; applicability; membership requirements; continuing education; fees; effective date.

HB20953/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Menz of the House and Kirt of the Senate.Oklahoma Open Records Act; thirty-day records request response time; effective date.

HB20963/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Menz of the House and Murdock of the Senate.Wildlife Diversity Program tax checkoff; extending reauthorization date; effective date.

HB21063/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Osburn of the House and Paxton of the Senate.Elections; dates of elections; political subdivisions; effective date.

HB21093/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Osburn of the House and Daniels of the Senate.Campaign finance and financial disclosure; municipal; county; technology center district; independent school district; Ethics Commission; effective date; emergency.

HB21103/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Osburn of the House and Coleman of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; Bringing Sitcoms Home from Hollywood Pilot Program Act; short title; definitions; incentives; procedures; revolving fund; effective date.]

HB21113/13/2025 5:14:00 PM3/12/2025 5:14:00 PMBy Osburn of the House and Pugh of the Senate.Motor vehicles; modifying certain exception; removing defunct language; effective date.

HB21183/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Kannady of the House and Woods of the Senate.Militia; Military Department; modifying Adjutant General duties; various updates relating to militia; effective date.

3/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Sterling of the House and Jett of the Senate.Motor vehicles; creating the Shelby Johnson and Logan Deardorff Act of 2025; licenses; requiring certain diagnosis report; effective date.

HB21403/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Kannady of the House and Thompson of the Senate.Revenue and taxation; Ad Valorem Tax Code; definitions; classifications of property; valuation procedures; effective date.

HB21423/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Kannady of the House and Green of the Senate.Wind energy facilities; prohibiting construction or modification of wind energy facilities with respect to certain military facilities; adverse impact; application; information; fines; civil action; effective date.

HB21473/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Lay of the House and Stanley of the Senate.Cities and towns; Municipal Code Lien Enforcement Act of 2025; lien; violations; housing; building code; foreclosure; real property; effective date.

HB21513/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Hall of the House and Sacchieri of the Senate.Education; creating the Federal Education Guidance Disclosure Act; requiring the State Department of Education to publish certain guidance documents online; effective date.

HB21543/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Hall of the House and Guthrie of the Senate.Charter schools; Oklahoma Charter Schools Act; exemptions; financial statements; contract requirements; effective date; emergency.

3/11/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Dobrinski of the House and Murdock of the Senate.Property; setback requirements for solar energy and industrial battery storage facilities; emergency.

HB21573/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Dobrinski of the House and Pederson of the Senate.[Renewable energy; stating legislative intent; creating the Oklahoma Agrivoltaics Act; emergency.]

HB21583/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Dobrinski of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Motor vehicles; licensure; entities requiring licensure; prohibiting factory engagement; dealer management system providers; security standards; actions; revocation or suspense of license; effective date.

HB21633/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Pfeiffer of the House and Howard of the Senate.Open records; public access counselor; review; subpoena; Attorney General; binding opinion; advisory opinion; emergency.

HB21663/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Pfeiffer of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Definitions and general provisions; newspapers; notices; publications; effective date.

HB21673/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Pfeiffer of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Fees; publications; legal notices; fees; effective date.

HB21683/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Pfeiffer of the House and Frix of the Senate.State government; prohibited terms in bid specifications for public improvement projects; effective date.

HB21693/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Pfeiffer of the House and Weaver of the Senate.Money wire transmissions; Drug Money Laundering and Wire Transmitter Act; increasing certain fee and percentage amount; effective date.

HB21973/10/2025 9:20:00 AM3/6/2025 9:20:00 AMBy Wolfley of the House and Sacchieri of the Senate.Higher education; meal plans; prohibition; effective date; emergency.

HB22073/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Lay of the House and Reinhardt of the Senate.Children; definitions; term; facilities; petition; protective order; evidence; court; codification; effective date; emergency.

HB22153/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Bashore of the House and Alvord of the Senate.Motor vehicles; removing provisions authorizing certain seizure of license plates; emergency.

HB22353/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Munson of the House and Daniels of the Senate.[Wrongful convictions; increasing liability amount for claims of wrongful incarceration; codification; effective date; emergency.]

3/13/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Waldron of the House and Hines of the Senate.Special education; requiring State Department of Education develop certain standards; codification; effective date.

HB22583/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Miller of the House and Daniels of the Senate.Statutes and reports; enacting the Uniform Electronic Legal Materials Act; effective date.

HB22613/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Miller of the House and Rosino of the Senate.Professions and occupations; licensing; social workers; compact; procedures; commission; effective date.

HB22623/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Miller of the House and Stanley of the Senate.Alzheimer's Dementia and Other Forms of Dementia Special Care Disclosure Act; disclosure of care, Alzheimer and Dementia Disclosure Act Advisory Council, and website listing disclosing facilities; failure to provide provision; citation; discrepancies; effective date.

HB22633/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Miller of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Motor vehicles; making certain use of cellular telephones and electronic devices unlawful on certain stretches of road; penalty; municipal ordinances; effective date.

HB22663/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy Miller of the House and Rosino of the Senate.Aerospace; defining terms, modifying list requiring certain permit; effective date.

3/17/2025 5:14:00 PM3/12/2025 5:14:00 PMBy Hilbert of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Assistant funeral director's license; qualifications; fees; application; registration; suspension or revocation of license; procedure; renewal; rules and regulations; effective date.

HB22893/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hilbert of the House and Paxton of the Senate.Federal officers; Oklahoma Federal Officials Security Act of 2025; definitions; notice; confidential information; penalty; effective date.

HB22953/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hilbert of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Hospital license; prohibiting transfer of hospital licenses from one address to another; administrative requirements; mediation; effective date.

HB22973/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Hilbert of the House and Hall of the Senate.Driver licenses; requiring Service Oklahoma enter into certain agreement with Ireland; effective date.

3/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hilbert of the House and Paxton of the Senate.Nursing; providing for independent prescriptive authority of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses who meet certain requirements; modifying various provisions of the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act and the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act; effective date.

2/27/2025 12:16:00 PM2/25/2025 12:16:00 PMBy Lepak of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Article V Conventions; enacting the Dr. Tom Coburn Act; definitions; prohibited conduct; criminal penalties; effective date.

3/17/2025 5:14:00 PM3/12/2025 5:14:00 PMBy Hilbert of the House and Paxton of the Senate.State capitol; assignment of parking for certain officials; large vehicle inspection station; effective date.

HB23693/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hill of the House and Paxton of the Senate.Alcoholic beverages; Marrisa Murrow Act; event venue license; definitions; license fee; caterer license; effective date.

HB23743/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hill of the House and Thompson of the Senate.Revenue and taxation; Filmed in Oklahoma Act of 2021; procedures for withholding tax; income tax treatment; set aside amount for economic impact reviews; effective date; emergency.

3/17/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hill of the House and Daniels of the Senate.Criminal procedure; directing the District Attorneys Council to annually provide list of early termination applications; effective date.

HB23923/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Adams of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Marriage and families; custody or guardianship; presumption; unfit; effective date.

3/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Fetgatter of the House and Coleman of the Senate.State government; creating the Main Street Grant Program Revolving Fund; Department of Commerce; requirements to qualify; effective date; emergency.

3/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Fetgatter of the House and Frix of the Senate.Teachers; adjunct teachers; State Board of Career and Technology Education to promulgate certain rules; requiring State Department of Education to assist in implementing rules; effective date; emergency.

HB24263/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Fetgatter of the House and Mann of the Senate.Emergency weather response; creating the Oklahoma Emergency Weather Response and Tracking Regulatory Act of 2025; defining terms; effective date.

HB24593/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Fetgatter of the House and Green of the Senate.Fire suppression; mobile food establishments; fire extinguisher; sunset; inspections; Fire Marshal; effective date.

HB25653/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Osburn of the House and Daniels of the Senate.Partnerships; limited liability partnerships; prohibiting certain state actors from certain actions; classification; effective date.

HB25843/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Hilbert of the House and Paxton of the Senate.Physicians assistants; Pharmacy Act; prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances; Physician Assistant Act; Committee; members; requirements; Public Health Code; authority for physician assistants to carry out certain functions; prescribing and administering controlled substances; supervision; emergency.

HB25903/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Staires of the House and Guthrie of the Senate.Public finance; Office of Management and Enterprise Services; requiring certain form for use in contracts related to management of federal funds; content; effective date.

HB26453/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Hilbert of the House and Paxton of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; practice of medicine; tax credit; time period; effective date.]

HB26463/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Fetgatter of the House and Frix of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; adjustments; wagering; tax year; effective date.]

HB26733/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Hilbert of the House and Hall of the Senate.State government; Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture Supplemental Revolving Fund; modifying determined funds provided for expenditures; effective date.

HB26743/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Hilbert of the House and Paxton of the Senate.State government; creating the Statewide Official Compensation Commission; membership; meetings; public official salaries; effective dates.

3/6/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Ford of the House and Rader of the Senate.Special education; special education administrators; training; competency exam; effective date; emergency.

HB27403/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Kendrix of the House and Howard of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; taxations; rates; income tax; exemptions; effective date.]

HB27433/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Green of the Senate.[Competitive bidding; cooperative purchasing agreements; effective date; emergency.]

HB27453/3/2025 9:39:00 AM2/27/2025 9:39:00 AMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Pugh of the Senate.[Revenue and taxation; banking privilege tax; deductions; effective date.]

HB27463/12/2025 8:56:00 AM3/11/2025 8:56:00 AMBy Lawson of the House and Howard of the Senate.Revenue and Taxation; Remote Quality Jobs Incentive Act; eligibility requirements for basic health benefits plans; effective date.

HB27473/10/2025 3:18:00 PM3/6/2025 3:18:00 PMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Jett of the Senate.Public utilities; electricity; alternatives; rates; deferrals reviews by Corporation Commission; assets; facilities; right of ways; emergency.

HB27493/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Hall of the Senate.Intergenerational education; creating the Intergenerational education Revolving Fund; Health Care Authority; procedures; award; effective date; emergency.

HB27523/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Gollihare of the Senate.Eminent domain; electricity; facilities; private property; certificates; Corporation Commission; effective date.

3/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Green of the Senate.Electric transmission facilities; definitions; applications; certificates; information; hearings; notice; meetings; public; plans; approval; rules; codification; emergency.

HB27583/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Haste of the Senate.[Transportation; financing; Preserving and Advancing County Transportation Fund; allocations; ration; apportionment; taxes; effective date; emergency.]

HB27593/3/2025 11:39:00 AM2/27/2025 11:39:00 AMBy Caldwell (Trey) of the House and Frix of the Senate.Firefighters; program; grant; training; certification; application; rules; revolving fund; codification; effective date.

HB28003/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Marti of the House and Seifried of the Senate.Property; owners association; sale of real estate; notifications; disclosures; fees; restrictions; documentations; effective date.

HB28043/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Marti of the House and Murdock of the Senate.Alcoholic beverages; prohibited acts of licensees; effective date.

HB28053/13/2025 9:30:00 AM3/12/2025 9:30:00 AMBy Marti of the House and Thompson of the Senate.Dental benefit plans; creating the Medical Loss Ratios for Dental (DLR) Health Care Services Plans Act; definitions; formula; reporting to Insurance Department; data verification; rebate calculation; rates; effective date.

HB28183/5/2025 2:34:00 PM3/4/2025 2:34:00 PMBy Steagall of the House and Weaver of the Senate.Firearms; clarifying scope of and exception to certain unlawful act; emergency.

HB28293/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Burns of the House and Green of the Senate.Public health and safety; cultivated meat; prohibiting sale of; penalties; effective date.

3/18/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Duel of the House and Stanley of the Senate.Veterans; terms; guidelines; effective date.

HB28973/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Townley of the House and Coleman of the Senate.Medical marijuana; requiring the display of certain signage at dispensaries and businesses; codification; effective date.

HB29223/17/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Pittman of the House and Bergstrom of the Senate.Professions and occupations; funeral establishment vendor payment rules; effective date.

HR10103/13/2025 4:05:00 PM3/13/2025 4:05:00 PMBy Bennett of the House.Resolution; St. Patrick's Day.