House of Representatives

The Oklahoma House of Representatives is committed to making the legislative process open to everyone with special needs. To that end, the House of Representatives has initiated a number of services designed to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in legislative activities, programs and services.

Barrier-Free Access

House conference rooms are accessible to individuals using wheelchairs.  The conference rooms are located on the first, second, fourth, and fifth floors, on the west side of the Capitol.

Reserved, wheelchair accessible seating locations, are available in each room. Additionally, the conference rooms have been designated as alternative meeting locations for persons with disabilities desiring to meet with legislators or staff members.

The House gallery is also wheelchair accessible, via chair lifts located in the southeast and northeast gallery entrances on the fifth floor. House personnel will be happy to assist you.

Hearing-Impaired Services

Any legislative number can be reached directly via RELAY OKLAHOMA by dialing (800) 522-8506 (Voice).

Interpreters - In order to increase the accessibility of legislative committee meetings and sessions, the House will arrange for an interpreter. Please allow 48 hours notice. Persons needing this service should contact the ADA Coordinator listed at the bottom of this page.

Assistive Listening Devices-Sound reinforcement systems have been installed in conference rooms 412C and 432A. Further, the House Chamber is equipped with a sound reinforcement system. Headphones may be checked out for use from the Sergeants-at-Arms and returned after use.


There are a number of reserved parking spaces located directly in front of the main entrance on the south side of the Capitol Building.

Additionally, there are a limited number of spaces located at the west entrance of the Capitol.

All reserved parking spaces lead directly to ramps and elevators, making all public areas of the Capitol wheelchair accessible.

For information about parking at the Capitol, contact the State Capitol Patrol at: (405) 521-1316.


Accessible public restrooms for men and women are located on all floors. Facilities on the 2nd and 3rd floors have automatic-assisted doors.


A wheelchair is available for use while visiting the House of Representatives. At least 48 hours advance notice is needed to ensure availability.

Please contact the House Sergeant-at-Arms at: (405) 521-2711 ext. 313 to reserve the wheelchair.

Sight-Impaired Services

Signs: House offices and conference rooms are designated using braille numerals and with white-on-gray signage. House personnel are available to further assist individuals who need or desire further guidance. In addition, all elevators are equipped with audio floor notification and braille controls.

Large Print: The House will make large print documents available at the request of individuals needing such service. Please contact the ADA Coordinator listed at the bottom of this page.

Braille: In conjunction with the Oklahoma Library for the Blind, the House will make available braille documents when requested. Please contact the ADA Coordinator listed at the bottom of this page.

The Oklahoma House of Representatives supports and is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. As a matter of policy, the House supports the goal that individuals with disabilities shall not be excluded from participating in or be denied the benefits of any program, service, or activity offered by the House.

Effective communication is vital in achieving this goal. We welcome your comments or suggestions. Please direct your comments, suggestions, or complaints to:

Human Resources, ADA Coordinator
Oklahoma House of Representatives
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 521-2711 or (800) 522-8506 (Relay Oklahoma)