House of Representatives

Representative Ty Burns
District 35 -  Republican


A&B Finance, Chair
Appropriations and Budget
A&B Public Safety
Commerce and Economic Development Oversight
Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget



District Map

Click here to view the member's full district 35 map.

Interactive District Map

Click here to view the member's interactive district 35 map.

County(s) Represented in District

Creek, Noble, Osage, Pawnee, Payne

Municipality(s) Represented in District

Blackburn, Cleveland, Drumright, Glencoe, Hallett, Hominy, Jennings, Lawrence Creek, Mannford, Maramec, Morrison, Oak Grove, Oilton, Olive, Osage, Pawnee, Perry, Prue, Quay, Ralston, Red Rock, Skedee, Stillwater, Sumner, Terlton, Westport

Zipcode(s) Represented in District

73061, 73077, 74010, 74020, 74030, 74032, 74034, 74035, 74038, 74044, 74045, 74052, 74054, 74058, 74060, 74063, 74070, 74075, 74081, 74085, 74637, 74650, 74651

Year Elected

Year: 2018

Term Limited

Year: 2030

Biographical Information

Ty Burns is currently the Representative for House District 35. Ty lives in the Watchorn area with his wife, Staci and their five children. Ty has a background in Law Enforcement, Teaching/Coaching, Military, and Ranching. Ty retired from the 45th Infantry Brigade with 20 years of service in 2018. Sgt 1st Class Burns has been deployed to Iraq in 2007-2008 and Afghanistan in 2011-2012. He is the recipient of many awards including Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart.


House of Representatives, 57th Legislature to present