House of Representatives

Representative Gann, Tom
District 8 -  Republican

Capitol Address
 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room  334
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
 (405) 557-7364

Legislative Assistant
 Carla Ray 
 (405) 557-7364

Email Address

Representative Gann's News Stories: 2025-26

Latest News
11/9/2020 2:10:00 PM
STATEMENT: Oklahoma’s Election Demonstrates Accurate and Timely Results
9/22/2020 1:59:00 PM
Lawmakers Study Administrative Rules Process
A group of state legislators on Tuesday held an interim study on the administrative rules process with the goal of analyzing potential improvements, changes or reforms so the Legislature is more involved in the process. ?
7/1/2020 10:42:00 AM
Group of Lawmakers Supports Law Enforcement
A group of Oklahoma lawmakers last week issued the following statements in support of law enforcement officers in this state:
Click on the story title to view the news story.