House of Representatives

Committee Votes for 2025 - 60th Legislature, 1st Regular Session

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Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1549Public finance; private activity bond allocation; LepakDO PASS PASSED15/0
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1409Open meetings; Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; email diCrosswhiteHaderDO PASS PASSED15/0
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1120Elections; prohibiting implementation; federal eleLepakDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED12/3
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1104Counties and county officers; lodging taxes leviedKelleyDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED10/5
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1219State government; state funds; display of flags; eWest (Kevin)DO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED12/3
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1223Daylight saving time; mandating year-round standarWest (Kevin)DO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED10/4
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1218Definitions and general provisions; legislative fiWest (Kevin), FrixDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED11/3
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1621Public finance; enacting the State Department of EHallDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED13/3
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1847Building codes; Department of Human Services; StatSchreiber, StewartDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED14/1
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB2922Death certificates; amendment of certificate or rePittmanDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED15/0
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1114Cities and towns; municipal land bank program; taxStewartDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS (FAILED)6/9
Details 03/06/2025COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHTHB2805Dental benefit plans; terms; formula; medical lossMarti, ThompsonDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED17/1
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1392Counties and county officers; county treasurer feeProvenzanoDO PASS PASSED16/0
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB2724Surplus property; Oklahoma Surplus Property Act; OChapmanDO PASS PASSED16/0
Details 03/06/2025COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHTHB1939Turnpike Authority; modifying certain powers and aSterlingDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED18/0
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB2590Public finance; Office of Management andEnterpriseStairesDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED14/2
Details 03/06/2025COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHTHB2426Emergency weather response; creating theOklahoma EFetgatter, MannDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED15/2
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1836State government; State Use Advisory Council; termHefnerDO PASS PASSED16/0
Details 03/06/2025GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHTHB1515Elections; absentee ballots; statement;single elecJenkinsDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS (FAILED)6/10
Details 03/06/2025JUDICIARY AND PUBLIC SAFETY OVERSIGHTHB1934Motor vehicles; creating the Jamie Lea Pearl Act; SterlingDO PASS AS AMENDED BY CS PASSED10/1
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 973 items in 49 pages
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