House of Representatives

House Floor Votes for 2024 - 59th Legislature

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Click on the 'Details' hyperlink to display the vote. For information on sorting, filtering, and exporting please view the information at the bottom of the page.

Details 05/30/2024SJR23Constitutional amendment; clarifying citizenshipMcCallADVANCE FROM GENERAL ORDER PASSED71/11
Details 05/30/2024SB1210Counties and county officers; allowing countyKannadyVETO OVERRIDE WITH EMER. FAILED63/20
Details 05/30/2024SB1751Guardianship; requiring completion of certainProvenzanoVETO OVERRIDE WITHOUT EMER. FAILED52/34
Details 05/30/2024SB526School mapping data; requiring certain quidelines;EcholsFOURTH READING PASSED51/28
Details 05/30/2024SB1432Oklahoma Education Lottery Act; removingKannadyFOURTH READING PASSED84/1
Details 05/30/2024SB1705Alien ownership of land; defining terms; addingMcCallFOURTH READING PASSED73/10
Details 05/30/2024SB1438Fees; authorizing rental fee on heavy equipmentFetgatterVETO OVERRIDE WITHOUT EMER. PASSED71/14
Details 05/30/2024*  SUSPEND HOUSE RULES PASSED71/12
Details 05/30/2024*  SUSPEND HOUSE RULES PASSED70/15
Details 05/30/2024SB1447Economic development; creating the CreatingOsburn EMERGENCY PASSED68/15
Details 05/30/2024SB1447Economic development; creating the CreatingOsburnFOURTH READING PASSED52/38
Details 05/30/2024SB2039Attorney General; creating the Domestic ViolenceMcCallTHIRD READING PASSED89/0
Details 05/30/2024SB1766Commercial driver training schools; modifyingKerbsFOURTH READING PASSED83/7
Details 05/30/2024SB1319Vision screenings; creating certain revolvingNewtonFOURTH READING PASSED88/1
Details 05/30/2024SB1328Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; providingVancurenFOURTH READING PASSED91/0
Details 05/30/2024SB758Medical marijuana; authorizing Oklahoma MedicalLowe (Dick)FOURTH READING PASSED88/0
Details 05/30/2024SB1703Medicaid; adding provisions relating to recoveryMcEntireFOURTH READING PASSED91/0
Details 05/30/2024SB1675Medicaid; modifying various provisions of theMcEntireFOURTH READING PASSED82/8
Details 05/30/2024SB809Alcoholic beverages; allowing certain licensee toMcEntireFOURTH READING PASSED68/23
Details 05/30/2024SB1534Uniform Unclaimed Property Act; authorizingODonnellFOURTH READING PASSED88/1
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 914 items in 46 pages
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Filtering: You can filter on a column or multiple columns. For example: to filter and show only Senate measures then enter "S" in the text box under "Bill #" and then press "Enter" or click on the filter icon Filter Icon  to the right of the text box and select "StartsWith". Then to filter those records by Author then enter the Author's name in the text box under the "Author" column and press "Enter" or select your filter condition. Filter items are not case sensitive. For the "Date of Vote" field you need to add the "0" for in front of single digits. Example: "02/07/2008" will work but "2/7/2008" will not work.

Exporting: To export this list to Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, or Microsoft Word click on one of the push buttons on the right side of the grid header below. You will need to have Microsoft Excel/Word 2003 or higher and/or Adobe Acrobat Reader installed! You may have to allow pop-ups or add as a trusted site before the export will work.