House of Representatives

Representative Michelle McCane
District 72 -  Democrat


Administrative Rules
A&B Education
Postsecondary Education



District Map

Click here to view the member's full district 72 map.

Interactive District Map

Click here to view the member's interactive district 72 map.

County(s) Represented in District


Municipality(s) Represented in District

Owasso, Tulsa, Turley

Zipcode(s) Represented in District

74055, 74073, 74103, 74104, 74110, 74115, 74117, 74119, 74120, 74126, 74127, 74130

Year Elected

Year: 2024

Term Limited

Year: 2036

Biographical Information

Michelle McCane made history in 2024 as the first woman and openly LGBTQIA2s+ person elected to represent District 72 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. As a Black and Native American woman, McCane is also the second person of color to hold this seat. A Tulsa native, she earned her GED in 2003 and pursued higher education while raising her two children who are now 14 and 21 years old.

McCane earned an associate's degree from Tulsa Community College in 2012 before completing a bachelor's degree in 2014 and a master’s degree in 2018 at Northeastern State University. Beginning her professional career in education in 2010 with Tulsa Public Schools, she served as a teacher assistant, English teacher, and later as a Library Media Specialist.

Her dedication to public education and commitment to students earned her Teacher of the Year honors at McLain High School (2020-2021) and Traice Academy (2023-2024). She has also received additional accolades for her exceptional impact on student outcomes and her steadfast advocacy for public education.

Following the 2018 Oklahoma Teacher Walkout, McCane’s commitment to educational equity grew even stronger. She assumed leadership roles within the Tulsa Classroom Teachers Association, collaborating with educators to champion equitable resources for students and advance policies that promote fair wages and robust support systems for teachers.

Michelle McCane hizo historia en 2024 al convertirse en la primera mujer y persona abiertamente LGBTQIA2S+ elegida para representar al Distrito 72 en la Cámara de Representantes de Oklahoma. Como mujer afroamericana e indígena, McCane también es la segunda persona de color en ocupar este cargo. Originaria de Tulsa, obtuvo su GED en 2003 y continuó su educación superior mientras criaba a sus dos hijos, que ahora tienen 14 y 21 años.

McCane obtuvo un título Universitario de preparación básica de Tulsa Community College en 2012 antes de completar su licenciatura en 2014 y su maestría en 2018 en Northeastern State University. Comenzó su carrera profesional en educación en 2010 con las Escuelas Públicas de Tulsa, desempeñándose como asistente de maestro, profesora de inglés y, posteriormente, como especialista en medios bibliotecarios.

Su dedicación a la educación pública y su compromiso con los estudiantes le otorgaron el reconocimiento como Maestra del Año en McLain High School (2020-2021) y Traice Academy (2023-2024). También ha recibido otros reconocimientos por su impacto excepcional en los resultados estudiantiles y su constante defensa de la educación pública.

Después del Paro de Maestros de Oklahoma en 2018, el compromiso de McCane con la equidad educativa se fortaleció aún más. Asumió roles de liderazgo dentro de la Asociación de Maestros de las Aulas de Tulsa (Tulsa Classroom Teachers Association), colaborando con educadores para defender recursos equitativos para los estudiantes y promover políticas que apoyen salarios justos y sistemas de apoyo sólidos para los maestros.


House of Representatives, 60th Legislature to present