Using the drop-down menus below, you can view the historic journals of the Oklahoma
House of Representatives between specific decades (select the decade in the drop down),
dating back to 1890.
After selecting the decade, the other drop down lists are updated for the decade
that you selected. You can then either select the legislature or the calendar
year to query the display of the calendar. Then click the 'Go' button.
Regular & Extra Session Indexes
Select the Month and Year to display in the journal in two/four month increments below
(see illustration at bottom of page). If any of those dates have a House Journal
associated with it you will see the day
underlined and in red and clicking on the day
will display the House Journal for that day in Adobe .PDF format. Normal journal
session months are February through May with one day in January unless the House has
a special/extra session during the other months. Extra session days have an 'x'
after the day.
Click on the 'month year' to open a shortcut for fast navigation as shown below:
Click on the single arrow at either end of the calendar heading to move the calendar
four months at a time either forward or backward. Click on the double arrows to
move the calendar a year at a time either forward or backward.
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