House of Representatives

Representative Anthony Moore
District 57 -  Republican


Higher Education and Career Tech, Chair
Administrative Rules
Appropriations and Budget
A&B Judiciary
Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget
Judiciary - Civil



District Map

Click here to view the member's full district 57 map.

Interactive District Map

Click here to view the member's interactive district 57 map.

County(s) Represented in District

Beckham, Custer, Roger Mills

Municipality(s) Represented in District

Arapaho, Butler, Cheyenne, Clinton, Custer City, Durham, Erick, Hammon, Reydon, Sayre, Strong City, Sweetwater, Texola, Thomas, Weatherford

Zipcode(s) Represented in District

73048, 73096, 73601, 73620, 73625, 73626, 73628, 73638, 73639, 73642, 73644, 73645, 73646, 73650, 73654, 73660, 73662, 73666, 73668, 73669

Year Elected

Year: 2020

Term Limited

Year: 2032

Biographical Information

Biography is currently unavailable.


House of Representatives, 58nd Legislature to present