House of Representatives

60th Legislature, 1st Regular Session

DeadlineDeadline Date 
Deadline for SBs/SJRs out of Policy Committees and Appropriation SubcommitteesThursday, April 10, 2025 
Deadline for SBs/SJRs out of Oversight, Admin Rules, Appropriations and Rules CommitteesThursday, April 24, 2025 
Deadline for Third Reading of Bills and Joint Resolutions from opposite chamberThursday, May 8, 2025 
Potential sessionFriday, May 23, 2025 
Potential session and Sine Die AdjournmentFriday, May 30, 2025 

*Please note that only House Bills and House Joint Resolutions fall under these request and filing deadline dates. House Concurrent Resolutions and House Resolutions may be requested and filed at any time until Sine Die Adjournment of the Regular Session.

Note: "Measure(s)" refers to bills and joint resolutions. Upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of both houses, a measure can be exempt from all cutoff dates in both houses.

NLT = No Later Than